Professionally manage your guest data

With NovoRes® you can quickly and easily track your reservations. However, this is not the only advantage of NovoRes®. Once the user when booking the guest enter this data neatly and securely stored in the program. Later on in NovoRes® guest data can be searched. With NovoRes® you therefore also a good customer management system at your disposal. 

Choose what you want to save

Because NovoRes® Novo Flex uses, you can completely control what information you want to store guest. In addition to standard name and address details to be created custom fields where you store the data you find important. This can be anything from passports to car license plate. All information submitted at a later time, easy to find and change. 





Tailored topractice

NovoRes® is developed based on user requirements in practice. This makes it possible, for example with NovoRes® to make a reservation with only a company name without having to enter personal data. In practice it is not always immediately clear which person for a company in your property will stay overnight. Practice your accommodation for NovoRes® always the starting point for the process. Another example is the ability to print data from guests. Users have indicated that they find it very practical. 


Guest history

The comprehensive management of customer data makes it possible to view the history of a customer. This allows you to know exactly when the last time a guest staying at your property. That's of course very punctual and customer friendly!